Generally we see 2 common warning raise when we compile the AL App.

warning AL0604: Use of implicit 'with' will be removed in the future

AL0606: "The 'with' statement is deprecated and will be removed for cloud development in a future release. This warning will become an error in a future release."

1st warning AL0604

2nd warning AL0606

I am sure most of the developer faced above those warnings

Now the question is can we ignore those? Answer is YES

Just add suppressWarnings property in app.json file and you will find there are the warning which can be used here so that it does not raise any warning any more.

Read the official document from here: Read Here


"suppressWarnings": [ "AL0604", "AL0106" ],  
"features": ["NoImplicitWith"],

Now from the Business Central 2022 Wave 2 you can use Implicit and Explicit use of ‘With’ which can be switch OFF or ON

You can also use the Pragama for temporary basis not to use this Read Here