Securely Retrieve User’s Card Details Using USERSECURITYID in Business Central with AL Code.

We can get the user’s card details with the help of USERSECURITYID field in the Business central OnPrem and Saas version USERSECURITYID  – The ID that is assigned to the user by the application. This is the value of the User Security ID field in...

Shortcut commands

Do you need to open a link or take action quickly on BC?

If this title refers to you, then refer to the solutions below on how to quickly open any page or link in BC. To do so, simply open any page or role center in BC, and then press the ALT button on your keyboard. You...

Generic Excel importer in Business central

I have developed the Generic Excel importer, so no need to worry about the format of the excel just create the excel file and direct import by selecting the correct Table and field name Generic Excel Importer in Business Central Import data in Business Central...